When Kids Hurt
    Chap Clark & Steve Rabey

    When Kids Hurt

    Reference: Counseling
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    Chap Clark's groundbreaking Hurt: Inside the World of Today's Teenagers revealed the hard truth about contemporary adolescence: societal changes and systemic abandonment have left teenagers struggling to navigate the ever lengthening and ever more difficult transition to adulthood without caring adults.

    When Kids Hurt offers these challenging insights to youth workers and parents in a more accessible form, with greater focus on how adults should respond. Practical sidebars and application sections, contributed by other youth experts, provide additional insights into youth culture and how adults can better guide adolescents into adulthood. This book will be an important resource for youth workers, parents, counselors, and others who work with youth.

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    To get below the surface, Chap Clark spent a year in a high school and interviewed dozens of students about everything from their families and social lives to their loneliness and insecurity. An alarming picture emerged: adults have abandoned kids to navigate the ever-lengthening and ever more difficult transition to adulthood on their own, and the results are devastating. Unable to cope with the pressures of expectations and hurt of abandonment, teenagers retreat to their own world of youth culture to survive, and few adults care enough to engage them there.

    Here Clark and Rabey sum up the provocative research, which was detailed in Clark's bestselling book Hurt, and lay out practical ways caring adults can have a profound impact on teens. This book is an essential guide for youth pastors and volunteer leaders, educators, counselors, parents, and all adults seeking to reach out to today's adolescents.

    Product Details

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    Data sheet

    Chap Clark & Steve Rabey
    Martha Pharaown
    Original Language
    Arabic (Translated)
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    221 pages
    Product Dimensions
    Product Weight
    264 gm

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    Chap Clark's groundbreaking Hurt: Inside the World of Today's Teenagers revealed the hard truth about contemporary adolescence: societal changes and systemic abandonment have left teenagers struggling to navigate the ever lengthening and ever more difficult transition to adulthood without caring adults.

    When Kids Hurt offers these challenging insights to youth workers and parents in a more accessible form, with greater focus on how adults should respond. Practical sidebars and application sections, contributed by other youth experts, provide additional insights into youth culture and how adults can better guide adolescents into adulthood. This book will be an important resource for youth workers, parents, counselors, and others who work with youth.

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    978-977-384-192-9 978-977-384-163-4 978-977-384-208-6 978-977-384-171-6
    Chap Clark & Steve Rabey Ginny Olson Henry Cloud & John Townsend Henry Cloud & John Townsend
    Martha Pharaown Maryana Katkout Dr. Eveit Saleib Dr. Zakaria Fakhoury
    Dr. Gerges Melad
    Original Language
    English English English English
    Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated)
    Teenage Guys Boundaries Series
    Paperback Paperback Paperback Paperback
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    221 pages 248 362 304
    Product Dimensions
    20*12.5*1.5 21*13*2:15 2×11.5×1.4: 22.2×12×1.9
    Product Weight
    264 gm 252 gm 290 gm 308 gm