The Gift of Feeling
    Paul Tournier

    The Gift of Feeling

    Reference: Psychology
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    The Western civilization is masculine and dominated by masculine values: cold objectivity, reason, power, efficiency and competition. This means the suppression of other values in the sphere of irrationality and subjectivity: sentiments, emotions, personal relationships...

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    The Western civilization is masculine and dominated by masculine values: cold objectivity, reason, power, efficiency and competition. This means the suppression of other values in the sphere of irrationality and subjectivity: sentiments, emotions, personal relationships. It is no coincidence that women have been rejected from public life and culture and relegated all too often to the home. This situation has given rise to the enormous contrast between the great powers of science and technology and the decline in the quality of life. Men are interested in things and mechanisms, women in people. Men have constructed a world of things in which people suffer, believing themselves manipulated like one more machine. Paul Tournier argues that this is a situation in which women can make a decisive contribution. For a century they have struggled to take their places in civilization. In order to do so however, they have had to adapt to fit a masculine society. They have proved capable of that, but could they not go on from there to cure our civilization of its malaise and introduce what is missing, a sense of the person? This is the question asked by this book. As in Dr Tournier's previous books, it is not raised in a theoretical way but concretely, through his own experiences, in his personal life, in his marriage and his long career as a counsellor during which he has heard so many confidences about feminine discontent.

    Product Details

    15 Items

    Data sheet

    Paul Tournier
    Seleim Eskander Hanna
    Mohamed H. A. Ghoneam
    Original Language
    Arabic (Translated)
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    208 Pages
    Product Dimensions
    20×12.2×1.1 cm
    Product Weight

    Specific References



    The Gift of Feeling

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    The Western civilization is masculine and dominated by masculine values: cold objectivity, reason, power, efficiency and competition. This means the suppression of other values in the sphere of irrationality and subjectivity: sentiments, emotions, personal relationships...

    Here is a wise and thoughtful book by a physician of profound religious faith who believed that man's physical and emotional health are rooted in a wholesome spiritual life. Drawing on his own long rich medical experience the author examines many of the problems that doctors face in their daily practice and shows how the Biblical understanding of human nature is an invaluable help in solving them

    The Meaning of Persons, is a book classified as a book of Psychology of the personality. The author, doctor Paul Tourier, was a prolific writer, and the "Father" of some new paradigms in the medical field. Paul Tournier is a giant of medicine, psychology and the Christian faith.

    Philip Yancey's updating of his modern classic answers questions about how to come to terms with the tough times in your life.

    978-977-384-352-1 978-977-384-344-7 978-977-384-335-6 978-977-384-237-3
    Paul Tournier Paul Tournier Paul Tournier Philip yancey
    Seleim Eskander Hanna Maher Nekles Neseim Seleim Eskander Hanna Seleim Eskander Hanna
    Mohamed H. A. Ghoneam Dr. Gerges Melad Mohamed H. A. Ghoneam Mohamed H. A. Ghoneam
    Original Language
    English English English English
    Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated)
    Paperback Paperback Paperback Paperback
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    208 Pages 384 300 362
    Product Dimensions
    20×12.2×1.1 cm 20.1×12.2×1.9 cm 20.2×13.3×1 cm 21.5×11.5×1.5
    Product Weight
    220gm 388gm 252 gm 272 gm