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The It's MY Life Book
Nancy N. Rue

The It's MY Life Book

Reference: Young Adult

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Somewhere between the ages of 9 and 12, things can get a little uncomfortable, particularly for young girls. Suddenly things that used to seem cool to do with Mom or Dad don't seem so cool anymore. As the urges for self-identity and independence from parents begin to develop, potential problems can easily arise. The It's MY Life Book is designed to ..................................................

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The It's MY Life Book is designed to help young girls find balance in their struggle for independence, so girls can become not only their best self, but most of all their God-intended self. The many stories and little checklist in the book, the samples and questions give the young reader a huge amount of information, she can work though herself or even share with a girl friend, her sister or her mother.  

Product Details

100 Items

Data sheet

Nancy N. Rue
Hany Hanna
Original Language
Arabic (Translated)
Publishing House
Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
Number of Pages
96 Pages
Product Dimensions
22.3*15.9*0.7 cm.
Product Weight
126 gm

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Somewhere between the ages of 9 and 12, things can get a little uncomfortable, particularly for young girls. Suddenly things that used to seem cool to do with Mom or Dad don't seem so cool anymore. As the urges for self-identity and independence from parents begin to develop, potential problems can easily arise. The It's MY Life Book is designed to ..................................................

You might not believe it, but values and virtues are important to children these days. They don’t claim to totally understand what they are, but they’d like to know more about them. Values and virtues can be rather abstract concepts to define; yet at a time when children are starting to develop their own independence and ideals, The Values & Virtues Book can be an excellent and useful resource. 

To be a creative person, you don’t have to be a musician, an artist, or even a writer, because everyone has a creative niche !  Author Nancy Rue has written The Creativity Book exactly for that reason to help girls 9 to 12 discover their creative self no matter what it is. Bright, modern, and fun, The Creativity Book is loaded with activities that teens will love.

The Blurry Rules Book is all about ethics. Explain THAT to an 8- to 12-year-old girl! Author, Nancy Rue, approaches the subject by talking about those gray areas and hard-to-answer questions that aren’t so clearly addressed in the Ten Commandments. Children clearly understand "Thou shalt not kill", but what about "thou shalt not hate the guts of the girl who deliberately snubs you? 

978-977-384-111-1 977-384-109-15 977-384-110-3- 978-977-384-212-2-
Nancy N. Rue Nancy N. Rue Nancy N. Rue Nancy N. Rue
Hany Hanna Gendy Labeib Dr. Eveit Saleib
Original Language
English English English English
Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated)
Paperback Paperback Paperback Paperback
Publishing House
Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
Number of Pages
96 Pages 110 116 96
Product Dimensions
22.3*15.9*0.7 cm. 22.3*15.9*0.7 cm. 22.3*15.9*0.7 cm. 22.3*15.9*0.7 cm.
Product Weight
126 gm 136 gm 120gm