I am Proud of You! Five lessons in Solution-Focused Parenting and Childrearing
    Ben Forman

    I am Proud of You! Five lessons in Solution-Focused Parenting and Childrearing

    Reference: Parenting & Relationships

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    It is a practical solution-focused book for parents and other people involved in raising children.

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    The purpose of this book is to familiarise you with the solution-focused psychology which can help you improve your relationship with children and enjoy more raising them.

    The book has been written to all adults who raise or participate in raising children*. It is aimed at family (such as parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, stepparents, etc.) as well as at all any other adults who as part of their work participate in raising children (such as nannies, teachers, principles, sport coaches etc.).



    Chapter 1. How to praise and encourage children?

    1. Thanking

    2. Gossip praise

    3. Non-verbal praise

    4. Praise through questions

    5. Praise for trying

    6. Playful praise

    Aversion to praise

    Preventing praise jealousy

    Comparing children to one another

    Chapter 2. How to get children to comply?

    1. Connect-thumb

    2. Request-finger

    3. Justify-finger

    4. Encourage-finger

    5. Deal-finger

    Chapter 3. How to get on the same page with the other adults caring for the child?

    Suggestion 1. Avoid criticising the other adult

    Suggestion 2. Promote cooperation ahead of time

    Suggestion 3. Consent goes a long way

    Suggestion 4. Ask for advice

    Suggestion 5. Talk about learning skills - not about problems

    Suggestion 6. In case you need a stricter approach

    Suggestion 7. Transform criticism into a conversation

    Chapter 4. How to help children overcome problems and difficulties?

    What skill should the child learn?

    Motivating the child

    Supporting the child

    Chapter 5. How do respond to children's wrongful actions?

    Coach the child to take responsibility for the action

    Step 1. Discuss the incident with the child

    Step 2. Help the child understand why it is wrong to do so.

    Step 3. Help the child to think about what to apologise and how.

    Step 4. Help the child to think about how they can repair the harm.

    Step 5. Ask the child to promise not to do the same again and help them think about what they need to do to be able to keep the promise.

    Step 6. Ask the child to tell you how they would guide another child who has done something similar

    What if the child does not admit to having done anything wrong?

    Summing up

    Literature and materials

    Other books by Ben Furman

    Product Details

    100 Items

    Data sheet

    Ben Furman
    Seleim Eskander Hanna
    Ben Furman
    Seleim Eskander Hanna
    Tapani Ahola
    Original Language
    Arabic (Translated)
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    120 pages
    Product Dimensions
    Product Weight
    348 gm

    Specific References



    I am Proud of You

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    It is a practical solution-focused book for parents and other people involved in raising children.

    “[Alice Miller] illuminates the dark corners of child abuse as few other scholars have done.”―Jordan Riak, NoSpank.net

    God, God Almighty, God the Creator of man this same God, in all His power and all His majesty, stops and listens when you pray. All that God is and all that God has may be received through prayer.

    Where does joy fit into those moments?

    In Choose Joy, acclaimed author and Christian leader Kay Warren shares the path to experiencing soul-satisfying joy no matter what you're going through. Joy is deeper than happiness, lasts longer than excitement, and is more satisfying than pleasure and thrills. Joy is richer. Fuller. And it's far more accessible than you've thought.

    978-977-384-294-0 978-977-384-317-4 978-977-384-107-3 978-977-384-354-5
    Ben Furman Alice Miller Myles Munroe Kay Warren
    Seleim Eskander Hanna Nekles Neseim Hanna Yusuf Nekles Neseim
    Seleim Eskander Hanna
    Ben Furman
    Tapani Ahola
    Original Language
    English German English English
    Arabic (Translated)
    Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated)
    Alice Miller
    HardCover Paperback Paperback Paperback
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    120 pages 384 pages 264 302
    Product Dimensions
    23*20*1 22*15*1.5 cm 22×11.5×1 cm 20.1* 11.9* 1.5 cm
    Product Weight
    348 gm 246 gm 228 gm 288 gm