Biblical interpretation : an integrated approach
    W. Randolph Tate

    Biblical interpretation : an integrated approach

    Reference: Religious Studies
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    This comprehensive exploration of the interpretive process,

     has served as a successful textbook. It focuses on the three "worlds" of biblical interpretation--the world of the author, the world of the text, and the world of the reader--to help students develop an integrated hermeneutical strategy. The book offers clear explanations of interpretive approaches, which are supported by helpful biblical examples, and succinct synopses of various interpretive methods. Pedagogical aids include end-of-chapter review and study sections with key terms, study questions, and suggestions for further reading.

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    The third edition of Biblical Interpretation focuses on the three "worlds" of biblical interpretation--the world behind the text, the world of the text, and the world in front of the text. A fourth section helps readers combine the three worlds into an integrated hermeneutical strategy. Clear explanations of the various interpretive approaches are supported by helpful biblical examples. Key terms and study questions at the end of each chapter make this book ideal for classroom use. Succinct synopses highlight a host of distinct approaches to understanding the Bible. The third edition includes new synopses and an updated bibliography to help readers keep pace with the most recent developments in biblical interpretation.


    Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Revised Edition Preface Introduction: A Journey into Three Worlds Author-Centered Approaches to Meaning Text-Centered Approaches to Meaning Reader-Centered Approaches to Meaning An Integrated Approach to Meaning UNIT I: THE WORLD BEHIND THE TEXT Chapter 1: Why Study Backgrounds? An Apology for Historical Research Summary Review & Study Chapter 2: The Importance of Language: The Grammatical Background Phonology Morphology Lexicology Syntax Summary Review & Study Chapter 3: Reading and the World Behind the Text: The Historical and Ideological Backgrounds Historical and Cultural Background Some Examples of Historical Background Studies The Ideological Context The Ideological World of the Old Testament Examples of Comparative Study The Ideological World of the New Testament Summary Review & Study Supplement I: Illustrative Methods That Focus on the World Behind the Text Source Criticism Social-Scientific Criticism Canonical Criticism UNIT II: THE WORLD WITHIN THE TEXT Chapter 4: The Bible as Literature and Literary Forms Common Literary Sub-Genres Archetypes Summary Review & Study Chapter 5: How the Hebrew Bible Communicates as Literature Hebrew Narrative Hebrew Poetry Hebrew Prophecy Summary Review & Study Chapter 6: How the New Testament Communicates as Literature The Gospels and Acts The Gospel of Matthew: A Model Sub-Genres in the Gospels Epistolary Literature Sub-Genres in the New Testament Epistolary Literature Apocalyptic Literature Summary Review & Study Supplement II: Illustrative Methods That Focus on the World Within the Text Redaction Criticism Literary Criticism Genre Criticism UNIT III: THE WORLD IN FRONT OF THE TEXT Chapter 7: What Happens When We Read? The Dialectics of Discourse Summary Review & Study Chapter 8: What the Reader Brings to the Text: The Role of Reader Presuppositions The Role of Preunderstanding Reader Presuppositions Theological Presuppositions Summary Review & Study Supplement III: Illustrative Methods That Focus on the World in Front of the Text Reader-Response Criticism Autobiographical Criticism Feminist Criticism UNIT IV: INTEGRATING THE THREE WORLDS Chapter 9: Mark’s Gospel and the Merging of Three Worlds Mark’s Use of Literary Allusion Mark’s Use of Intercalation Jesus’ Relationship to His Contemporary Worldview according to Mark Conclusion: The Ending of Mark and the Predicament of the Reader Review & Study Conclusion: The Never-Ending Story APPENDIXES: SYNOPSES OF ADDITIONAL INTERPRETIVE METHODS EMPLOYED BY SCHOLARS Overview: How Methods Affect Interpretation Appendix I: Methods That Focus on the World behind the Text Form Criticism Genetic Criticism Tradition Criticism Appendix II: Methods That Focus on the World within the Text Formal Criticism Rhetorical Criticism Speech Act Theory Structuralism Appendix III: Methods That Focus on the World in Front of the Text African-American Criticism Cultural Criticism Deconstruction New Historicism Postcolonial Criticism & Liberation Theology Reception Theory Womanist Criticism/Theology Appendix IV: Methods Involving More than One World Ideological Criticism Intertextual Criticism Marxist Criticism Mimetic Criticism Narrative Criticism Socio-Rhetorical Criticism Indexes

    Product Details

    48 Items

    Data sheet

    W. Randolph Tate
    Adel Zekri
    Mohamed H. A. Ghoneam
    Original Language
    Arabic (Translated)
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    Product Dimensions
    20.2×11.7 cm.
    Product Weight

    Specific References



    Biblical interpretation

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