If only  I could believe
    Wim Rietkerk

    If only I could believe

    Reference: Religious Studies
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    This was a very pastoral, insightful book on the emotional/psychological factors that can leave a person wrestling with deep doubt regarding the truth of Christianity - either those who do not call themselves a Christian but would like to believe, or those who do consider themselves a Christian but experience deep distrust and disbelief at times.

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    Some people find it hard to trust in God even though they can feel the force of arguments in favor of Christianity. And even those who believe in God can sometimes find it difficult to continue trusting Him. Often emotional factors block our faith in God. Shame, disappointment, fear or pain can have a significant influence on our ability to enter the Christian faith and to continue growing in it. Dr. Rietkerk firmly believes that substantial healing is possible and offers practical guidelines for dealing with emotional difficulties. With questions for group discussion at the end of each chapter this book is an invaluable guide for counselors, pastors, parents and youth leaders. Dr. Wim Rietkerk is the leader of the Dutch branch of L'Abri Fellowship and a pastor of the Dutch reformed church. The last six years he served in the city counsel of Utrecht and spends time with his eight grandchildren. The insights shared in this book result from his study of the Scriptures, his work as a pastor, the study of psychology, his extensive experience as a counselor at L'Abri, and as an international conference speaker.

    Product Details

    49 Items

    Data sheet

    Wim Rietkerk
    Seleim Eskander Hanna
    Original Language
    Arabic (Translated)
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    Product Dimensions
    21.7×11.2×1.2 cm
    Product Weight
    224 gm

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    If only I could believe

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    This was a very pastoral, insightful book on the emotional/psychological factors that can leave a person wrestling with deep doubt regarding the truth of Christianity - either those who do not call themselves a Christian but would like to believe, or those who do consider themselves a Christian but experience deep distrust and disbelief at times.

    It is not a book about the religion of the churches but an effort to interpret the whole contemporary situation from the point of view of one who constantly inquires what fundamental faith is expressed in the forms which civilization takes.

    Did Marcel’s philosophy of secrets achieve a push to the thought? People tend to hide secrets: his origins, his destiny, his existence, he is a collection of secrets. And above of all secrets, the secret of the existence or – according to Marcel - the ontology secret. Its different from the secrets of faith, or theology secrets.

    978-977-384-297-1 978-977-384-304-5 977-384-068-9
    Wim Rietkerk Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Paul Tillich
    Seleim Eskander Hanna Mejahed Abdelmeaim mejahed Mejahed Abdelmeaim mejahed
    Original Language
    English English English
    Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated)
    Paperback Paperback Paperback
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    218 354 152
    Product Dimensions
    21.7×11.2×1.2 cm 21.8*12.8*1.8 25×12.5×1
    Product Weight
    224 gm 362gm 138 gm