Christ The Center
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Christ The Center

    Reference: Christology

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    The New York Times Book Review states, “It would be impossible to overrate Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s importance as a disciple, a great Christian and moral leader.” Christ the Center cogently presents the basis of Bonhoeffer’s thinking about Jesus Christ and offers the key to his entire theology. A classic work of Christological thought, both edifying and uplifting, Christ the Center is an enlightening guide to faith and action in uncertain times.

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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian, as well as a participant in the German Resistance movement against Nazism. He was hung for his part in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This book contains "reconstructed lectures given by Bonhoeffer in 1933 on the theme of christology... this is not Bonhoeffer's text---it has been reconstructed from notes by his students."

    He states that "christology is the centre of all disciplines. It is the unknown and hidden centre of the university of learning." (Pg. 28) Christ is "the Counter-Logos. Classification is no longer a possibility, because the existence of this Logos spells the end of the human logos. Only the question, 'Who are you?' will do." (Pg. 30) He adds, "In theological terms: it is only from God that man knows who he is." (Pg. 31)

    He observes, "the work of Jesus drives me to despair about myself, because I cannot follow his example. But if Jesus is the Christ, the Word of God, then ... I am met in his work as one who cannot possibly do the work he does. It is through his work that I recognize the gracious God." (Pg. 38) He adds, "Christ stands for (our) new humanity before God... There where mankind should stand, he stands as a representative... He is the Church." (Pg. 48)

    He suggests that "the content of the addressing Word... is not the uncovering of hidden truths, nor the imparting of a new concept of God, nor a new moral teaching. It is far more concerned with the personal appeal of God to men to assume responsibility." (Pg. 51) He insists, "There is no way from history to the absolute. There is no absolute ground for faith derived from history... There is only the witness of the risen one to himself, by which the Church bears witness of the risen one to himself, by which the Church bears witness to him 'in history.'" (Pg. 72) More provocatively, he says, "Simply stating the sinlessness of Jesus fails if it is based upon the observable acts of Jesus. His acts ... are not sinless, but ambiguous. One can and should see both good and failure in them." (Pg. 109)

    Bonhoeffer is of continuing interest to theologians and students from a wide variety of backgrounds; this volume should be similarly popular.

    Product Details

    50 Items

    Data sheet

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    Dr. Gerges Melad
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    Dr. Gerges Melad
    Original Language
    Arabic (Translated)
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    Product Dimensions
    Product Weight
    146 gm


    Christ The Center

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    The New York Times Book Review states, “It would be impossible to overrate Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s importance as a disciple, a great Christian and moral leader.” Christ the Center cogently presents the basis of Bonhoeffer’s thinking about Jesus Christ and offers the key to his entire theology. A classic work of Christological thought, both edifying and uplifting, Christ the Center is an enlightening guide to faith and action in uncertain times.

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    978-977-384-355-2 978-977-384-343-8 978-977-384-289-7 978-977-384-163-4
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer David Burnett Michelle J. Diamond Ginny Olson
    Dr. Gerges Melad Edward Abdelmasseih ghopreal Maryana Katkout
    Dr. Gerges Melad
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    Edward Abdelmasseih ghopreal
    David Burnett
    Eveit Saleib
    Original Language
    English English English English
    Arabic (Translated)
    Arabic (Translated)
    Arabic (Translated) Arabic (Translated)
    Teenage Guys
    Paperback Paperback Paperback Paperback
    Publishing House
    Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House Maktabet Dar El Kalema Publishing House
    Number of Pages
    160 414 256 pages 248
    Product Dimensions
    20×11.5×1 21×11.5×2 cm 22*15*1.5 cm 21*13*2:15
    Product Weight
    146 gm 398 gm 246 gm 252 gm