List of products by brand AlSaeid Elqmmahei

AlSaeid Elqmmahei



The main character in the story is Mido.The story introduces his family and shows where he is living.

( 0/5 )
    AlSaeid Elqmmahei

    Mido and Lulu


    The daily events of the Circus are interesting for Mido. They keep him busy and he wants to know everything about what is happening.

    ( 0/5 )
      AlSaeid Elqmmahei

      Happy Mido


      One day Mido goes to the Circe with his cousin Kuku. Kuku is amazed and happy.  It is a special day!  What is happening? Is Mido really happy? Or............ 

      ( 0/5 )
        AlSaeid Elqmmahei

        Mido in the Market


        The adventures of Mido go on. In this story he is with his mother n de market. Suddenly something passes by him. He looks up.... what is this? 

        ( 0/5 )
          AlSaeid Elqmmahei

          Mishu's own Field


          Mishu and Mido like being in the field with father. It is fun to be outside in the fresh air. It is very interesting to see what father is growing. Many vegetables are in his field. Mishu and Mido want to help father. They also would like to have their own field.  But how?


          ( 0/5 )
            AlSaeid Elqmmahei

            The Thrilling Game


            Two teams are playing a game. The team of Mido, wearing the blue shirt and the team of the son of Lulu, wearing red shirts. Lots of children have come to the club to watch the game and encourage the teams. The teams put body parts on the statues. Which team is the fastest? Which team will win?

            ( 0/5 )
              AlSaeid Elqmmahei

              Mido in the Garden of Uncle Hamdan


              Mido and his friend Husam are playing in the garden of Uncle Hamdan. It is fun to have such a space to run and jump and climb. Is it really fun? Mido and Hamdan find a little bird under a tree....what happened?

              ( 0/5 )
                AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                Mishu and Antar


                The first day in school is a special day. Mishu went even to school by bike and alone….! No, not really alone…who went with him?


                ( 0/5 )