List of products by brand Hassan Yousof

Hassan Yousof

Contemporary aesthetic studies


A person has needs in life, and the needs are arranged and gradual, some of them are basic and necessary, some of them touch his physical needs, and they are the ones that preserve his survival and presence in life, and some affect the mental and psychological side, and they help in his advancement, progress and creativity.

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    Hassan Yousof

    Philosophy of Religion of Berdyaev


    Berdyev's life was nothing but a triangular struggle against the aristocratic environment in which his family belonged and lived in it, against the revolutionary Marxist environment in which he lived during his first youth and against the orthodox environment in which he lived a mature period in a certain sense.

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    Hassan Yousof

    Philosophy of Religion of Kierkegaerd


    Reidar Thomte's Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion is an excellent read for students beginning their study of one of the "greats" of the nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy. Thomte directly appropriates Kierkegaard's insightful language and discussion of theological and philosophical issues that stimulated him, all of which are still alive and well today. 

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