History & Criticism

Michelle P. Brown

The Companion To Christian Art


Christianity has been a central force in the shaping of western culture. It is not surprising, therefore, that the greatest artists down the centuries have sought to paint its story. This book tells the history of Christian art, exploring the purpose behind the masterpieces and looking at the context in which they were created. The modern secular reader who feels detached from the meaning of the paintings will be helped to understand their emotional as well as their asethetic power. And the Christian reader will be encouraged to explore further the wonder and beauty of the Christian cultural legacy. The book includes a final chapter on the way modern artists are continuing and changing the legacy.

( 0/5 )
    Dr. David Burnett

    The Spirit of China: The roots of faith in 21st century China


    Burnett explores the influences of Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Jesuits; he looks at the Ming Dynasty and the rise of the Manchus; he assesses the motivations behind Mao, Deng Xaio-Ping, and the current communist and commercial regime. Why is an atheistic leadership seeing a widespread religious revival of several faiths? What is the future of religion in China? A wide-ranging introduction to the ideas, beliefs, and conflicting visions that have shaped modern China.

    ( 0/5 )
      Ronald E. Heine

      Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church: Exploring the Formation of Early Christian Thought


      The contemporary church dismisses Christianity's foundational Scriptures at its own peril. However, the teachings of the Old Testament are less and less at the center of congregational preaching and conversation. The early church fathers visionaries such as Augustine, Origen, and Tertullian embraced the Hebrew Scriptures, allowing the Old Testament to play a central role in the formation...

      ( 0/5 )
        Daniel J. Estes



        In this commentary, Daniel J. Estes provides carefully organized guidance for interpreting, teaching, and illustrating the important truths found in Job.

        ( 0/5 )
          Lee Strobel

          The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus



          Is there credible evidence that 
          Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God?

          Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates who are specialists in the areas of old manuscripts, textual criticism, and biblical studies.

          ( 0/5 )
            Paul Tillich

            The Religious Situation


            It is not a book about the religion of the churches but an effort to interpret the whole contemporary situation from the point of view of one who constantly inquires what fundamental faith is expressed in the forms which civilization takes.

            ( 0/5 )
              Philip Yancey

              The Jesus I Never Knew


               In this book I emphasize the relational and personal rather than the scholarly.  Who was this man Jesus?  What was he like?  No one who meets Jesus ever stays the same.

              ( 0/5 )
                Philip Yancey

                Reaching for the Invisible God


                Is God playing games? What can we count on him for? This relationship with a God we can’t see, hear, or touch--how does it really work? The Reaching for the Invisible God Study Guide gives you a path in your personal quest for answers. 

                ( 0/5 )
                  Paul Tillich

                  The Shaking of the Foundations


                  This book is the companion piece to The Eternal Now and The New Beinشg. This is the most profound and important book of the three. Very readable (in contrast to acedemic theology) because these sermons were delivered live. Definitely Spirit-guided ministry. This work is very important in helping us to understand the difference between small spirit and large Spirit. 

                  ( 0/5 )
                    James K. Hoffmeier

                    The Archaeology of the Bible


                    Does this have anything to do with the Bible, the book that has profoundly influenced Western culture? Is there archaeological evidence that bears on the Bible? Are the narratives of the Bible, especially those from 3,000 and more years ago, myth or history? Is a scientific discipline like archaeology even compatible with an obviously religious book like the Bible? These are relevant questions that this book will seek to answer.’

                    ( 0/5 )
                      REV. P. POURRAT

                      Christian Spirituality Volume 3: Later Developments: From the Renaissance to Jansenism


                      This volume begins with the Renaissance and ends with Jansenism, covering- from the middle of the fifteenth to the middle of the seventeenth century. It takes in the great schools of spirituality of French Schools.

                      With the exception of the Salesian School, the others are divided between the great Catholic nations which filled the political stage of Europe during that period : Spain, Italy, and France. 

                      ( 0/5 )
                        Søren Kierkegaard



                        Repetition means getting our cognitive and moral bearings not through prompted remembering, but quite unexpectedly as a gift from the unknown, as a revelation from the future. Repetition is epiphany that sometimes grants the old again, as new, and sometimes grants something radically new.

                        ( 0/5 )
                          Rollo May

                          The Courage To Create


                          What if imagination and art are not, as many of us might think, the frosting on life but the fountainhead of human experience? What if our logic and science derive from art forms, rather than the other way around? In this trenchant volume, Rollo May helps all of us find those creative impulses that, once liberated, offer new possibilities for achievement. A renowned therapist and inspiring guide, Dr. May draws on his experience to show how we can break out of old patterns in our lives.

                          ( 0/5 )
                            Dietrich Bonhoeffer



                            From one of the most important theologians of the twentieth century, Ethics is the seminal reinterpretation of the role of Christianity in the modern, secularized world.

                            The Christian does not live in a vacuum, says the author, but in a world of government, politics, labor, and marriage. Hence, Christian ethics cannot exist in a vacuum; what the Christian needs, claims Dietrich Bonhoeffer..

                            ( 0/5 )
                              Erich Fromm

                              Man For Himself


                              The Philosophy of Humanistic Ethics vs. The Philosophy of Authoritarian Ethics

                              The Philosophy of Subjective Ethics vs. The Philosophy of Objective Ethics


                              The Heritage of Humanistic Ethics Philosophy

                              The Philosophy of Ethics and Psychoanalysis

                              ( 0/5 )
                                Hassan Hammad

                                The Imagination of an Utopia


                                The subject of fiction has received clear interest from many philosophers, both idealists and empiricists. We will depart from the subject of our studies if we try to follow the opinions of modern philosophers in this regard

                                ( 0/5 )
                                  Peter Atkinson

                                  The Encyclopedia of the Bible - Hard cover


                                  This beautifully illustrated volume walks readers through every chapter of the Bible, while also explaining such things as how we got the Bible, how it was preserved over the years, how the Bible fits in with historical sources and archeological finds, and similar information.

                                  ( 0/5 )
                                    Erich Fromm

                                    The Art of Loving


                                    A classic in its own time...The original self-help treatise that has inspired countless numbers of men and women throughout the world. Learn how love can release hidden potential and become life's most exhilarating experience. In this fresh and candid work, renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm guides you in developing your capacity for love in all its aspectsromantic love, love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love, self-love, and love of God. Read by a professional narrator...

                                    ( 0/5 )
                                      Peter Atkinson

                                      The Encyclopedia of the Bible - Soft cover


                                      This beautifully illustrated volume walks readers through every chapter of the Bible, while also explaining such things as how we got the Bible, how it was preserved over the years, how the Bible fits in with historical sources and archeological finds, and similar information.

                                      ( 0/5 )
                                        Philip Yancey

                                        In his Image


                                        In five sections—Image, Blood, Head, Spirit, and Pain—the acclaimed surgeon and the award-winning writer unlock the remarkable, living lessons contained in our physical makeup. This Gold Medallion Award-winning book will open your eyes to the complex miracle of the human body, and the even more compelling spiritual truths that it reflects.

                                        ( 0/5 )
                                          Paul Tillich

                                          The New Being

                                          “These addresses combine enormous learning, simply presented, with a profound awareness of the ‘existential situation’ of modern man, especially in the Western world. They are based on a deep Christian faith, but they present that faith in a new and compelling idiom. They will repay reading and rereading.”—New York Times Book Review

                                          (New York Times Book Review)

                                          ( 0/5 )
                                            abdu Kassab abd elqudous

                                            Epistemology of Religious Experience


                                            In this clear and provocative account of the epistemology of religious experience, William P. Alston argues that the perception of God-his term for direct experiential awareness of God-makes a major contribution to the grounds of religious belief. Surveying the variety of reported direct experiences of God, Alston demonstrates that a person can be justified in holding certain beliefs about God on the basis of mystical experience.

                                            ( 0/5 )
                                              Hassan Yousof

                                              Philosophy of Religion of Kierkegaerd


                                              Reidar Thomte's Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion is an excellent read for students beginning their study of one of the "greats" of the nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy. Thomte directly appropriates Kierkegaard's insightful language and discussion of theological and philosophical issues that stimulated him, all of which are still alive and well today. 

                                              ( 0/5 )
                                              • On sale!
                                              Søren Kierkegaard

                                              The Sickness unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition of Edification & Awakening by Anti-Climax


                                              A companion piece to The Concept of Anxiety, this work continues Søren Kierkegaard's radical and comprehensive analysis of human nature in a spectrum of possibilities of existence. Present here is a remarkable combination of the insight of the poet and the contemplation of the philosopher.

                                              In The Sickness unto Death, Kierkegaard moves beyond anxiety on the mental-emotional level to the spiritual level, where--in contact with the eternal--anxiety becomes despair. Both anxiety and despair reflect the misrelation that arises in the self when the elements of the synthesis--the infinite and the finite--do not come into proper relation to each other. Despair is a deeper expression for anxiety and is a mark of the eternal, which is intended to penetrate temporal existence.

                                              ( 0/5 )
                                                Lee Strobel

                                                The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity


                                                Was God telling the truth when He said, you will seek me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart?

                                                In his first bestseller The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel examined the claims of Christ, reaching the hard-won verdict that Jesus is God and His unique son. In this book,  The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief  the eight heart barriers to faith.

                                                ( 0/5 )
                                                  Philip Yancey

                                                  Prayer: Does it Make any Difference?


                                                  Philip Yancey writes as a journalist, with a sharp eye for detail and an investigative unwillingness to force conclusions. Chapters are short, but brimming with juice. Stories abound. Part of the time, Yancey just wonders about prayer. And Yancey...is a mighty fine wonderer.... (Christianity Today)

                                                  ( 0/5 )
                                                    Philip Yancey

                                                    Rumors of Another World


                                                    What on earth are we missing? Philip Yancey believes we are missing the supernatural hidden in everyday life. In Rumors of Another World, Yancey investigates the natural world and discovers the supernatural hiding in plain view. He grapples with why God made the world and what our role truly is, and seeks to answer the question, “How do I live in the natural world while expressing the values ​​of the supernatural?” 

                                                    ( 0/5 )
                                                      Lois Rock

                                                      The Encyclopedia of Jesus - Hard cover


                                                      This beautifully illustrated volume walks readers through every chapter of the Bible, while also explaining such things as how we got the Bible, how it was preserved over the years, how the Bible fits in with historical sources and archeological finds, and similar information.

                                                      ( 0/5 )
                                                        Lois Rock

                                                        The Encyclopedia of Jesus - soft cover


                                                        This beautifully illustrated volume walks readers through every chapter of the Bible, while also explaining such things as how we got the Bible, how it was preserved over the years, how the Bible fits in with historical sources and archeological finds, and similar information.

                                                        ( 0/5 )