Herbert Marcuse

Negations Essays in Critical Theory


This book is both a testament to a great thinker and a still vital strand of thought in the comprehension and critique of the modern organized world. It is essential reading for younger scholars and a radical reminder for those steeped in the tradition of a critical theory of society.

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    John Gerassi

    Talking with Sartre: Conversations and Debates


     John Gerassi had just this opportunity as a child, his mother and father were very close friends with Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir and the couple became for him like surrogate parents. Authorized by Sartre to write his biography.

    Through the interviews with both their informalities and their tensions, Sartre’s greater complexities emerge. In particular we see Sartre wrestling with the apparent contradiction between his views on freedom and the influence of social conditions on our choices and actions. We also gain insight into his perspectives on the Spanish Civil War, World War II, and the disintegration of colonialism.

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      Lee Strobel

      The Case for a Creator (for Kids)

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      You meet skeptics every day. They ask questions like:
      Are your science teachers wrong? Is the Big Bang theory true? Or did God create the universe? Here's a book written in kid-friendly language to give you the answers.

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      Søren Kierkegaard

      Works of Love


      Works of Love is, perhaps, the greatest single piece of literature written in the history of humankind. Astonishingly, it has been greatly ignored by philosophers, laymen, and theologians alike. Unlike its predecessors Works of Love has largely remained unknown in the Western world. In an attempt to introduce my parents to this masterpiece, I discovered that the Russians had not even bothered to produce a translation to this very day! Reading recent reviews written by modern readers—a bare dozen or so—I recognized in their writings precisely how I felt about the book: mesmerized and changed. Most reviewers were both disturbed by the fact that such a life-altering book could have been given a cold shoulder, lasting a swiftly-approaching two centuries.

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        Sally Ann Wright & Paola Bertolini Grudina

        The Big Book of Bible Questions


        Four simple questions are asked for each of the sixty different Bible persons or events. These simple questions, drawn from the lives of all the main characters of the Bible, and covering all the main events, will delight, challenge, and amuse. All the best-loved stories are here, brought to life by the Italian artist Paola Bertolini Grudina's lively illustrations.

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