David Self

The Encyclopedia of World Religions - Hard cover


"This book has won a firm fan. Ideal for teachers as well as students . . . In an increasingly multicultural world, this is an essential book for anyone wanting to know about religion. Loads of pictures and photos make this easily the best book of its kind."  —Jon Hancock, children's book buyer for Borders UK

( 0/5 )
    Megahed Abd Elmonim Mogahed

    Argument of Love and War


    The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is considered one of the oldest philosophers. Despite the loss of his writings, the scientist did not marginalize his philosophy and his perspective on life, but on the contrary, it was taken from them re-assembled fragments as he did in this book, Mujahid Mujahid Abdel Moneim Mujahid. The awakening of souls from slavery to sovereignty by searching for common ground between the awakened souls.

    ( 0/5 )
      Dietrich Bonhoeffer

      Letters and Papers from Prison


      Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a young German pastor who was executed by the Nazis in 1945 for his part in the “officers’ plot” to assassinate Adolf Hitler. 

      This expanded version of Letters and Papers from Prison shifts the emphasis of earlier editions of Bonhoeffer’s theological eflections to the private sphere of his life. His letters appear in greater detail and show his daily concerns. Letters from Bonhoeffer’s parents, siblings, and other relatives have also been added, in addition to previously inaccessible letters and legal papers referring to his trial.

      ( 0/5 )
        Wim Rietkerk

        If only I could believe


        This was a very pastoral, insightful book on the emotional/psychological factors that can leave a person wrestling with deep doubt regarding the truth of Christianity - either those who do not call themselves a Christian but would like to believe, or those who do consider themselves a Christian but experience deep distrust and disbelief at times.

        ( 0/5 )
          Erich Fromm

          The Revolution of Hope: Toward a Humanized Technology


          First published in 1968, the year of international-student confrontation and revolution, this classic challenges readers to choose which of two roads humankind ought to take: the one, leading to a completely mechanized society with the individual a helpless cog in a machine bent on mass destruction; or the second, being the path of humanism and hope.

          ( 0/5 )
            Paul Tournier

            A doctor's casebook in the light of the Bible


            Here is a wise and thoughtful book by a physician of profound religious faith who believed that man's physical and emotional health are rooted in a wholesome spiritual life. Drawing on his own long rich medical experience the author examines many of the problems that doctors face in their daily practice and shows how the Biblical understanding of human nature is an invaluable help in solving them

            ( 0/5 )
              Hassan Yousof

              Philosophy of Religion of Berdyaev


              Berdyev's life was nothing but a triangular struggle against the aristocratic environment in which his family belonged and lived in it, against the revolutionary Marxist environment in which he lived during his first youth and against the orthodox environment in which he lived a mature period in a certain sense.

              ( 0/5 )
              • On sale!
              Paul Tillich

              What is Religion?


              WHAT IS RELIGION ? by Paul Tillich, Translated by Mejahed Abdelmeaim mejahed, combines three works originally written in German, one of which was published in 1925. The two works in the final third of the book were presented to meetings of Kant-Gesellschaft in 1919 and 1922, and may now be found mainly in Gesammelte Werke volumes I and IX...

              ( 0/5 )