Hassan Yousof

Philosophy of Religion of Kierkegaerd


Reidar Thomte's Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion is an excellent read for students beginning their study of one of the "greats" of the nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy. Thomte directly appropriates Kierkegaard's insightful language and discussion of theological and philosophical issues that stimulated him, all of which are still alive and well today. 

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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Lectures-on-the-philosophy-of-religion: Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion


For Hegel, thought is not philosophical if it is not also religious. Both religion and philosophy have a common object and share the same content, for both are concerned with the inherent unity of all things. Hegel's doctrine of God provides the means for understanding this fundamental relationship. Although Hegel stated that God is absolute Spirit and Christianity is the absolute religion, the compatibility of Hegel's doctrine of God with Christian theology has been a matter of continuing and closely argued debate. Williamson's book provides a significant contribution to this ongoing discussion through a systematic study of Hegel's concept of God.

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