
Sally Ann Wright & Paola Bertolini Grudina

The Big Book of Bible Questions


Four simple questions are asked for each of the sixty different Bible persons or events. These simple questions, drawn from the lives of all the main characters of the Bible, and covering all the main events, will delight, challenge, and amuse. All the best-loved stories are here, brought to life by the Italian artist Paola Bertolini Grudina's lively illustrations.

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Lee Strobel

Off My Case (for Kids)


Stories like these in Off My Case for Kids will get you thinking about your faith. You learned answers to some pretty tough questions in Lee Strobel's 'Case' books. Now it's time to see how all this applies to your real life. In this book you'll find stories about faith skeptics along with ways to practice answering tough questions. So dive in and get the skeptics off your case!

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Nancy N. Rue

The Buddy Book


As girls grow up, they find out how meaningful -- and difficult -- relationships are. The Buddy Book offers interesting facts about why relationships are significant, what makes a good one, and how lousy your life can be if they're crummy. But more importantly, learning to allow God to be the Counselor of them all can make them easier---even during the rough stages!

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Susie Shellenberger

Dear Dairy.. a Girl's Book of Devotions


Dear Diary is a hip new devotional that addresses many of the issues facing young girls today. By providing biblically based solutions for the issues at a time when straight answers and solutions to real-life challenges aren’t always so clear-cut, the young girls find a real guide for their life in this book.

'Excellent for Homeschool Use'

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Nancy N. Rue

The Values & Virtues Book


You might not believe it, but values and virtues are important to children these days. They don’t claim to totally understand what they are, but they’d like to know more about them. Values and virtues can be rather abstract concepts to define; yet at a time when children are starting to develop their own independence and ideals, The Values & Virtues Book can be an excellent and useful resource. 

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Nancy N. Rue

Walk the Walk Book


Discipline ... doesn't that mean you're grounded?Doesn't that mean you have no voice? The author  Nancy Rue refers to 'discipline' as training that develops positive and lifelong spiritual habits, which give each young girl a hand to be herself and relate to God, to be close to friends and still being able to be the person who God wants her to be.

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Nancy N. Rue

The Blurry Rules Book


The Blurry Rules Book is all about ethics. Explain THAT to an 8- to 12-year-old girl! Author, Nancy Rue, approaches the subject by talking about those gray areas and hard-to-answer questions that aren’t so clearly addressed in the Ten Commandments. Children clearly understand "Thou shalt not kill", but what about "thou shalt not hate the guts of the girl who deliberately snubs you? 

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Nancy N. Rue

The It's MY Life Book


Somewhere between the ages of 9 and 12, things can get a little uncomfortable, particularly for young girls. Suddenly things that used to seem cool to do with Mom or Dad don't seem so cool anymore. As the urges for self-identity and independence from parents begin to develop, potential problems can easily arise. The It's MY Life Book is designed to ..................................................

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Nancy N. Rue

The Beauty Book


Learn with Lily and her friends just what it means to be beautiful in God’s eyes—inside and outside! In a society so focused on the idea that external beauty reigns supreme, it can be difficult for young girls to figure out what “true” beauty is all about. This unique and creative book for girls (ages 8–12) answers the common questions girls ask during this often confusing and overwhelming stage in their lives in an inviting and conversational manner.

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Nancy N. Rue

The Creativity Book


To be a creative person, you don’t have to be a musician, an artist, or even a writer, because everyone has a creative niche !  Author Nancy Rue has written The Creativity Book exactly for that reason to help girls 9 to 12 discover their creative self no matter what it is. Bright, modern, and fun, The Creativity Book is loaded with activities that teens will love.

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