How i see series

Michael Yosef And ElMasseih

How Can I See: Man


This book in the series of How I can See is about  man. Why is man created? What is the aim of the life of man? How should I deal with man? Questions and answers help the reader to discover deeper reasons for life. He will discover that each man is valuable and unique!

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Michael Yosef And ElMasseih

How Can I See: Salvation


This book in the How Can I See  series describes the reason for Salvation. Also it raises the questions about Salvation, like: Why salvation? What is salvation? Do I need salvation? How can I get salvation?

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Michael Yosef And ElMasseih

How can I See: Sin


This book in the series How Can i See explains the origin of sin and its relation to each human. What is sin? How can one know how he relates to sin? What does sin in the world?

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Michael Yosef And ElMasseih

How Can I See: the Church


This book in the series How can I see is about the church. What is the church? When did start? Why did it start? Who does belong to the church and many more questions are raised and answered in this part of the series.

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