Arabic Language

Liza Van der Linde

Mido in the World of Letters - Animals


The last student book of level 1. Repetition of the learned words and  writing  new words  and letters learning to read sentences around the theme 'the Zoo' is inspiring the children to develop their verbal and written language, their listening,   communication and reading skills.



( 0/5 )
    AlSaeid Elqmmahei



    The main character in the story is Mido.The story introduces his family and shows where he is living.

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      Liza Van der Linde

      Mido in the World of Letters - Trip


      Through working with this third book of the program Mido in the World of Letters, The trip, the child learns practical daily living skills, social skills and about cooperation with peers. Of course he works on auditive and visual skill development and learning words and letters.

      ( 0/5 )
        Liza Van der Linde

        Mido in the World of Letters -The House


        This is the first book of  level 1 of the program Mido in the World of Letters. The child is learning to write 5 words and 5 letters and to read these words. The child is developing all skills needed to being able to be a good reader at the end of the program. 

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          Liza Van der Linde

          Mido in the World of Letters - Circus


          Designed "Mido in the world of letters" program, to help the child to learn the Arabic language skills, learn letters and words. In this book, "the circus." through which the child also will learn a lot of daily living skills, which help him to integrate into the small society of his family at home, and in society as a whole.

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