The journey with a Numbers (English Edition)
Liza Van der Linde
With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.
Liza Van der Linde
The program includes more than 100 activites, chosen to teach the basics of math. The child develops and leams through playing. We hope that you will be encouraged by this new way of teaching children. While working with this program you will see your children grow and develop in the following areas: - the way they walk - the way they talk - the way they think - the way they relate to each other - the way they solve problems.
Liza Van der Linde
The program includes more than 100 activites, chosen to teach the basics of math. The child develops and leams through playing. We hope that you will be encouraged by this new way of teaching children. While working with this program you will see your children grow and develop in the following areas: - the way they walk - the way they talk - the way they think - the way they relate to each other - the way they solve proble Teacher.
Liza Van der Linde
With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.
Liza Van der Linde
With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.
Liza Van der Linde
The program includes more than 100 activites, chosen to teach the basics of math. The child develops and leams through playing. We hope that you will be encouraged by this new way of teaching children. While working with this program you will see your children grow and develop in the following areas: - the way they walk - the way they talk - the way they think - the way they relate to each other - the way they solve problems.