The Trip with a Pencil

Liza Van der Linde

Trip with a pencil - Students - 1


The development of motor skills, including cognition and development focus at practice exercises and activities. The program begins with pre-writing and making different shapes, and ends with writing letters, and simple words, and with the end of the program, a child may learn how to technical writing.

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    Liza Van der Linde

    Trip with a pencil - Teacher's Guide - 1


    This program aims to stimulate cognition, focus and motor development of a young child. The following progress will be achieved in the child's development while using the program: - Enhancing hand skills to be able to grasp the pencil well. - Get a good understanding of directing the pencil movement to draw the shape or write the letters. - Find out the difference between left and right. The ability to use only the muscles of the hand (not the entire arm) while typing. The ability to sit on a bench for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour.

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      Liza Van der Linde

      Trip with a pencil - Students 2


      This program aims to stimulate cognition, focus and motor development of a young child. The following progress will be achieved in the child's development while using the program: - Enhancing hand skills to be able to grasp the pencil well. - Get a good understanding of directing the pencil movement to draw the shape or write the letters. - Find out the difference between left and right. The ability to use only the muscles of the hand (not the entire arm) while typing. The ability to sit on a bench for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour.

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        Liza Van der Linde

        Trip with a pencil - Teacher's Guide - 4


        This program aims to stimulate cognition, focus and motor development of a young child. The following progress will be achieved in the child's development while using the program: - Enhancing hand skills to be able to grasp the pencil well. - Get a good understanding of directing the pencil movement to draw the shape or write the letters. - Find out the difference between left and right. The ability to use only the muscles of the hand (not the entire arm) while typing. The ability to sit on a bench for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour.

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          Liza Van der Linde

          Trip with a pencil - Students 4


          This program aims to stimulate cognition, focus and motor development of a young child. The following progress will be achieved in the child's development while using the program: - Enhancing hand skills to be able to grasp the pencil well. - Get a good understanding of directing the pencil movement to draw the shape or write the letters. - Find out the difference between left and right. The ability to use only the muscles of the hand (not the entire arm) while typing. The ability to sit on a bench for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour.

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            Liza Van der Linde

            Trip with a pencil - Teacher's Guide - 3


            This third book "Crazy Letters" focuses on the basic skills, which need to be mastered before the children can start writing words on their own. Following the holistic approach, children also will increase language and creativity if the program is used correctly.

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