Liza Van der Linde

So I Learn (C)


The series So I Learn is a program in Arabic for children who are weak in working with numbers or who are having problems with math and are in need of good support. The quality of support is the basic tool to help these children to learn numbers and doing math. 

This book teaches the child numbers till 100 and simple sums in a very special way, suitable to overcome their struggles and get an understanding of the decimal system.

( 0/5 )
    Marica Foulmer

    And I am also valuable !


    This book presents a unique program for parents and child carers, who are dealing with a child who is delayed in his development. The only program in Arabic, which  offers exercises to be done in a simple way for special needs children, who are older than 5 years and under developed.

    ( 0/5 )
      Liza Van der Linde

      So I Learn (B)


      The series So I Learn is a program in Arabic for children who are weak in working with numbers or who are having problems with math and are in need of good support. The quality of support is the basic tool to help these children to learn numbers and doing math. 

      This book (B) teaches the child sums (subtraction) with numbers 1-10 in a very special way, suitable to overcome their struggles!

      ( 0/5 )
        Liza Van der Linde

        The Journey with Numbers - Activity Book 3 (English)


        The program includes more than 100 activites, chosen to teach the basics of math. The child develops and leams through playing. We hope that you will be encouraged by this new way of teaching children. While working with this program you will see your children grow and develop in the following areas: - the way they walk - the way they talk - the way they think - the way they relate to each other - the way they solve proble Teacher.

        ( 0/5 )
          Liza Van der Linde

          The Journey with Numbers - Activity Book 1 (Arabic)


          If you have hopes and drea Teacher for the future of your community and society, then you need to think seriously about the way children are raised and educated. Our desire is that all children will learn to think, analyze proble Teacher, be independent, and take responsiblity in this world. If you share these drea Teacher with us, then this program is for you.

          ( 0/5 )
            Liza Van der Linde

            The Journey with Numbers Teacher's guide 3 (English)


            With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.

            ( 0/5 )
              Maria Montessori

              The Absorbent Mind


              The Absorbent Mind is an analysis of the physical and psychological aspects of a child's growth during the most significant period of life. During this period the child learns motor co-ordination, language, the making of social adjustments, the setting of work habits, and the beginning of routines that set patterns for life. Dr. Montessori illustrates the unique mental powers of young children which enable them to construct and establish all the aspects of human personality. Paperback.

              ( 0/5 )
                Maria Montessori

                The Secret of Childhood


                The Secret of Childhood

                In this book Maria Montessori explains the method which she has developed by observing children. It is here that she discovered the secret of childhood. The child has a spontaneous urge to learn. An understanding of this simple secret....

                ( 0/5 )
                  Maria Montessori

                  The Child in the Family


                  Maria Montessori discusses some of her basic principles of education and shows why it is so important for adults to ‘follow attentively all the spiritual expressions of a child'. She stresses the importance of adult respect and support for ‘all reasonable forms of activity in which the child engages' and emphasizes the value of understanding rather than interfering with such activity. Adults should help children to become independent while at the same time fully appreciating how sensitive children are to external influences. 

                  ( 0/5 )
                    Maria Montessori

                    Education for a New World


                    The psychic life in newborns has aroused great interest. Th conclusion of research is that the first two years of life are the most important. So here begins a new path, wherein it will not be the professor who teaches the child, but the child who teaches the professor.

                    ( 0/5 )
                      Maria Montessori

                      The Montessori Method (1)


                      Dr. Maria Montessori writes about the development of the child, behavioral and learning issues. This book which appeared in 1916 in Italy gives rich information to any educator. Even though immense development of school subjects have been made since that time, what is dealt with in this book is till today the cornerstone of education and very much helpful for the Arab World. 

                      ( 0/5 )
                        Maria Montessori

                        The Discovery of the Child


                        Maria Montessori went beyond the conventions of the day to seek a new way of knowing and loving a child. In THE DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD, she describes the nature of the child and her method of working more fully with the child's urge to learn. With 16 pages of photographs.

                        ( 0/5 )
                          Maria Montessori

                          Education and Peace


                          Maria Montessori tireless efforts to open new paths in education were as irresistible as a force of nature. Opening a Children's House, continuing following the psychological manifestations of the children, who evidently had been oppressed in their homes, opened new insights, which were breaking news for the world.

                          ( 0/5 )
                            Maria Montessori

                            Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook


                            This specific book is written by Dr. Montessori herself. In her own words, she explains in detail the rationale for her method and the specific materials she developed for use with her method. It's relatively short, but is filled with timeless powerful insights! 

                            ( 0/5 )
                              Maria Montessori

                              Child, Society and the World: Unpublished Speeches


                              This collection of speeches and lectures by Dr. Montessori provides the reader with a vivid and accurate understanding of the theories and working methods of the most important educationalist of the 20 th century. In addition, the teaching of peace, environmental awareness and universal responsibility lie at the heart of Montessori's ‘cosmic education'

                              ( 0/5 )
                                Liza Van der Linde

                                Montessori at the Arabic home


                                Montessori at the Arabic Home is written to introduce the Montessori philosophy in brief for parents and preschool teachers, who just start to read about the idea's of Maria Montessori. The simple style and many practical idea's are the strength of this book.

                                ( 0/5 )
                                  Liza Van der Linde & Silvia Makram

                                  Practical Life Activities


                                  This book is the first part of a series of books about activities according to the Montessori philosophy for encouraging the development of the child from 2,5 - 6 years. It shares ideas of how the child can work alone, how to grow in responsibility, concentration, discipline and self-trust.

                                  The aim is to inspire each parent and teacher to be encouraged to start a new begin in raising children to guide them in growing towards an independent, respectful human.

                                  ( 0/5 )
                                    Maria Montessori

                                    What you should know about your Child


                                    The Montessori Method is scientific education based on a sound knowledge of childhood. In this volume, Dr. Maria Montessori examines the physical and mental development of the child in its early years and discusses what she considers to be the basic truths underlying the child's nature, growth and development.

                                    ( 0/5 )
                                      Rahab El Zawawy

                                      A Tale of A Class

                                      E£85.00 E£34.00

                                      Through the book of the story of the share we sought to be the last minutes of each share .. is waiting for another story and a new story fun 
                                      Available at Cairo International Book Fair
                                      (2) Dar Al Kalma Library for Publishing and Distribution

                                      It is important to have it in your library

                                      ( 0/5 )
                                      • On sale!
                                      • -60%
                                      Liza Van der Linde

                                      The Journey with Numbers -Teacher's Guide 3 (Arabic)


                                      With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.

                                      ( 0/5 )
                                        Liza Van der Linde

                                        Montessori and Your Child


                                        The Montessori Method is scientific education based on a sound knowledge of childhood. In this volume, Dr. Maria Montessori examines the physical and mental development of the child in its early years and discusses what she considers to be the basic truths underlying the child's nature, growth and development.

                                        ( 0/5 )
                                          Ben Forman

                                          Kids'Skills in Action: A Solution-focused method for coaching children to overcome difficulties


                                          Kids'Skills is a revolutionary solution-focused method for helping children overcome all types of emotional and behavioral difficulties. The method has been developed in Finland by a team consisting of kindergartens teachers and psychotherapists. It is simple, child-friendly, easy to learn and fun to use. A perfect method for teachers, therapists, but also for parents to use at home. The author of the book, Dr. Ben Furman, is an internationally renowned psychiatrist who has been teaching Kids'Skills in many countries around the world.

                                          ( 0/5 )
                                            Liza Van der Linde

                                            Sensorial Activities


                                            This book is the second part of a series of activity books to encourage the sensorial development of the young child.The purpose and aim of Sensorial work is for the child to acquire clear, conscious, information and to be able to then make classifications in his environment. Montessori believed that ...............

                                            ( 0/5 )