Liza Van der Linde

Ziko and Weaving


A craft for children of 4,5 years and older. Learning weaving, while doing crafts is a simple activity, which each child will enjoy.

Content: 12 cards with nice drawings, a needle and paper stripes.

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    Liza Van der Linde

    So I learn - Teacher's Guide


    The program So I learn is successfully accepted in many Centers for Special Needs children.

    Since this program is set up especially for children who are struggling with numbers, this guide is an eyeopener for the teacher to change the way of explaining and guiding the child in order to help him to being able to know numbers, to count, to add and subtract numbers.

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      Liza Van der Linde

      Trip with a pencil - Students 4


      This program aims to stimulate cognition, focus and motor development of a young child. The following progress will be achieved in the child's development while using the program: - Enhancing hand skills to be able to grasp the pencil well. - Get a good understanding of directing the pencil movement to draw the shape or write the letters. - Find out the difference between left and right. The ability to use only the muscles of the hand (not the entire arm) while typing. The ability to sit on a bench for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour.

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        Liza Van der Linde

        The Journey with Numbers Teacher's guide 3 (English)


        With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.

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          Liza Van der Linde

          Trip with a pencil - Teacher's Guide - 1


          This program aims to stimulate cognition, focus and motor development of a young child. The following progress will be achieved in the child's development while using the program: - Enhancing hand skills to be able to grasp the pencil well. - Get a good understanding of directing the pencil movement to draw the shape or write the letters. - Find out the difference between left and right. The ability to use only the muscles of the hand (not the entire arm) while typing. The ability to sit on a bench for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour.

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            Committee of the child at Dar ElKalema

            Ziko and Numbers 4


            A book for young children to color pictures according to the requested numbers. Each number has its own color, in the end the picture will be nice and beautiful.

            While coloring, the child practice recognizing the numbers and develops his writing skills!

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