Ronald E. Heine

Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church: Exploring the Formation of Early Christian Thought


The contemporary church dismisses Christianity's foundational Scriptures at its own peril. However, the teachings of the Old Testament are less and less at the center of congregational preaching and conversation. The early church fathers visionaries such as Augustine, Origen, and Tertullian embraced the Hebrew Scriptures, allowing the Old Testament to play a central role in the formation...

( 0/5 )
    Lois Rock

    The Encyclopedia of Jesus - soft cover


    This beautifully illustrated volume walks readers through every chapter of the Bible, while also explaining such things as how we got the Bible, how it was preserved over the years, how the Bible fits in with historical sources and archeological finds, and similar information.

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      Rollo May

      Psychology and the Human Dilemma


      There is a common theme linking these studies this topic comes from the depth and diversity and richness of human nature from the side, and the other side also stems from humans and worthlessness in this nature.
      In this book by Rollo May discusses some of the characteristics of human nature and human under the title of "problematic".

      ( 0/5 )
        REV. P. POURRAT

        Christian Spirituality Volume 3: Later Developments: From the Renaissance to Jansenism


        This volume begins with the Renaissance and ends with Jansenism, covering- from the middle of the fifteenth to the middle of the seventeenth century. It takes in the great schools of spirituality of French Schools.

        With the exception of the Salesian School, the others are divided between the great Catholic nations which filled the political stage of Europe during that period : Spain, Italy, and France. 

        ( 0/5 )
          W. Randolph Tate

          Biblical interpretation : an integrated approach


          This comprehensive exploration of the interpretive process,

           has served as a successful textbook. It focuses on the three "worlds" of biblical interpretation--the world of the author, the world of the text, and the world of the reader--to help students develop an integrated hermeneutical strategy. The book offers clear explanations of interpretive approaches, which are supported by helpful biblical examples, and succinct synopses of various interpretive methods. Pedagogical aids include end-of-chapter review and study sections with key terms, study questions, and suggestions for further reading.

          ( 0/5 )
            Carl Jung

            Who am I ? .....


            What the future will bring? This issue, which opens Young undiscovered Self in this book, which is one of the most influential books there is no more important problem in our society today the plight of the individual in today's world the most systematic and rigorous.

            ( 0/5 )

              Human Being and Becoming


              Here internationally respected depth psychologist, spiritual guide, and personal transformation coach David Benner explores the mysteries of human being and becoming. Drawing on insights from science, philosophy, and forty years of experience integrating psychology and spirituality, he presents concrete steps for living in ways that move us toward wholeness.

              ( 0/5 )
                Henry Cloud& John Townsend

                Boundaries with kids


                What the award-winning Boundaries has done for adult relationships, Boundaries with Kids will do for you and your children Here is the help you need for raising your kids to take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend take you through the ins and outs of instilling the kind of character in your children that will help them lead balanced,..

                ( 0/5 )
                  abdu Kassab abd elqudous

                  Epistemology of Religious Experience


                  In this clear and provocative account of the epistemology of religious experience, William P. Alston argues that the perception of God-his term for direct experiential awareness of God-makes a major contribution to the grounds of religious belief. Surveying the variety of reported direct experiences of God, Alston demonstrates that a person can be justified in holding certain beliefs about God on the basis of mystical experience.

                  ( 0/5 )
                    Søren Kierkegaard

                    Works of Love


                    Works of Love is, perhaps, the greatest single piece of literature written in the history of humankind. Astonishingly, it has been greatly ignored by philosophers, laymen, and theologians alike. Unlike its predecessors Works of Love has largely remained unknown in the Western world. In an attempt to introduce my parents to this masterpiece, I discovered that the Russians had not even bothered to produce a translation to this very day! Reading recent reviews written by modern readers—a bare dozen or so—I recognized in their writings precisely how I felt about the book: mesmerized and changed. Most reviewers were both disturbed by the fact that such a life-altering book could have been given a cold shoulder, lasting a swiftly-approaching two centuries.

                    ( 0/5 )
                      Erich Fromm

                      Man For Himself


                      The Philosophy of Humanistic Ethics vs. The Philosophy of Authoritarian Ethics

                      The Philosophy of Subjective Ethics vs. The Philosophy of Objective Ethics


                      The Heritage of Humanistic Ethics Philosophy

                      The Philosophy of Ethics and Psychoanalysis

                      ( 0/5 )
                        Søren Kierkegaard



                        Repetition means getting our cognitive and moral bearings not through prompted remembering, but quite unexpectedly as a gift from the unknown, as a revelation from the future. Repetition is epiphany that sometimes grants the old again, as new, and sometimes grants something radically new.

                        ( 0/5 )
                          Erich Fromm

                          The Alienated Man according to Erich Fromm


                          The book deals with the historical roots of the idea of alienation according to Erich Fromm, and the various manifestations of the idea of alienation as it appears in the writings of modern and contemporary philosophers, especially those influenced by Fromm such as Hegel, Marx, Heidegger, Marcuse and others. It also deals with the different dimensions of man’s alienation from himself and from his world, according to Fromm, using a comparative analytical approach.

                          ( 0/5 )