The Courage To Be
Paul Tillich was a German theologian and philosopher who moved to the United States after having to flee from Nazis in the 1930s. He became a lecturer at Yale University in Connecticut
Paul Tillich was a German theologian and philosopher who moved to the United States after having to flee from Nazis in the 1930s. He became a lecturer at Yale University in Connecticut
Hegel's lectures have had as great a historical impact as the works he himself published. Important elements of his system are elaborated only in the lectures, especially those given in Berlin during the last decade of his life.
This book deals with discussing topics at the same time. This may be a possible opportunity and a possible opportunity coincides with a unique opportunity.
Hope is to raise the spirits and arm themselves in the face of all the frustrations that surround modern man
This was a very pastoral, insightful book on the emotional/psychological factors that can leave a person wrestling with deep doubt regarding the truth of Christianity - either those who do not call themselves a Christian but would like to believe, or those who do consider themselves a Christian but experience deep distrust and disbelief at times.
The world you live in promotes sex as the answer to just about everything. The pressure to go along with the crowd is greater than ever before, and it's easy to compromise in little ways that are a lot more harmful than they seem.
Discover time-tested biblical keys to unlocking a life of satisfaction, mined from the life of one of the Bible's greatest heroes.
You meet skeptics every day. They ask questions like:
Are your science teachers wrong? Is the Big Bang theory true? Or did God create the universe? Here's a book written in kid-friendly language to give you the answers.