Paul Tillich

The Courage To Be


Paul Tillich was a German theologian and philosopher who moved to the United States after having to flee from Nazis in the 1930s. He became a lecturer at Yale University in Connecticut

( 0/5 )
    Wim Rietkerk

    If only I could believe


    This was a very pastoral, insightful book on the emotional/psychological factors that can leave a person wrestling with deep doubt regarding the truth of Christianity - either those who do not call themselves a Christian but would like to believe, or those who do consider themselves a Christian but experience deep distrust and disbelief at times.

    ( 0/5 )
      Lee Strobel

      The Case for a Creator (for Kids)

      E£85.00 E£34.00

      You meet skeptics every day. They ask questions like:
      Are your science teachers wrong? Is the Big Bang theory true? Or did God create the universe? Here's a book written in kid-friendly language to give you the answers.

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