Mido in the World of Letters 2
Liza Van der Linde
This box with pictures of the 'to-learn-words' , the word cards and letter cards ( each one in three colors - beginning, middle and ending letter) are a key means is teaching the children level 2 of Mido in the World of Letters.
Liza Van der Linde
This guide has a day -by-day set up series of lessons for the second level of the program, which has 5 units. They are set up according to the emotional, psychological and cognitive level of the KG2 child.
AlSaeid Elqmmahei
Mishu and Mido like being in the field with father. It is fun to be outside in the fresh air. It is very interesting to see what father is growing. Many vegetables are in his field. Mishu and Mido want to help father. They also would like to have their own field. But how?
Liza Van der Linde
Reading and writing new words and learning the fatha all in the context to develop the needed reading and writing skills. Visual and auditory exercises. Working around the subject: My school.
Judith M. Stern, MA & Uzi Ben-Ami
These colorful posters belong to the 5 units of the first level of Mido in the World of Letters.
My Home - The Circe - The Trip - The market - The animals (zoo).
Liza Van der Linde
Designed "Mido in the world of letters" program, to help the child to learn the Arabic language skills, learn letters and words. In this book, "diet". Through which will learn new words and phrases based on the subject of food
AlSaeid Elqmmahei
Two teams are playing a game. The team of Mido, wearing the blue shirt and the team of the son of Lulu, wearing red shirts. Lots of children have come to the club to watch the game and encourage the teams. The teams put body parts on the statues. Which team is the fastest? Which team will win?
Liza Van der Linde
This 5th and last book of level 2 of the program Mido in the World of Letters, helps the child to repeat all letters.The child can use all tashkeel and is reading words, sentences and stories as well as understanding the differences in words. He is reading and writing his own stories. The child only now learns the alphabet
AlSaeid Elqmmahei
Lulu and Mido are very good friends. They play together often. These days they talk a lot about the birthday of Lulu. When to have a party?
AlSaeid Elqmmahei
In this last book of the series ‘I can read’, it is holiday time. Every day Mishu and Mido can choose what they want to play. No homework! Great times! They like playing with silsal, but Mishu is not thinking well and...........
Liza Van der Linde
The 4rth student book of level 2. The child continues reading and writing new words. A focus on the kasra and repetition of all former learned tashkil are included. Many special visual and auditory exercises, games and more are included to make reading fun for the child!
Liza Van der Linde
This book, My Body, is the first book of the second level of the program Mido in the World of Letters. Repetition of the words and letters of level 1 of the program is included. The child starts to read simple words.