
Carl Rogers

A Way of Being


Carl Rogers was a stubborn warrior when he entered many battles - battles in the field of treatment of income with scientific medicine and psychiatry, who tried to prevent psychologists from treating patients..

( 0/5 )
    Paul Tournier

    The Meaning of Persons


    The Meaning of Persons, is a book classified as a book of Psychology of the personality. The author, doctor Paul Tourier, was a prolific writer, and the "Father" of some new paradigms in the medical field. Paul Tournier is a giant of medicine, psychology and the Christian faith.

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      Carl Rogers

      On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy


      The late Carl Rogers, founder of the humanistic psychology movement, revolutionized psychotherapy with his concept of client-centered therapy. His influence has spanned decades, but that influence has become so much a part of mainstream psychology that the ingenious nature of his work has almost been forgotten. Houghton Mifflin is delighted to introduce this preeminent psychologist to the next generation with a new edition of this landmark book.

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        Leonard Judge And Others

        One Story A Day: Book 03 - March (English)


        This is the third book of One Story A Day series, which books are written and designed to develop a love for reading in children of  7 years and older.

        The stories are based on everyday life, funny tales of friendship
        and family, fables from around the world, and stories about nature,
        science and history.

        A CD of the stories is added to the book.

        ( 0/5 )
          Ben Forman

          Kids'Skills in Action: A Solution-focused method for coaching children to overcome difficulties


          Kids'Skills is a revolutionary solution-focused method for helping children overcome all types of emotional and behavioral difficulties. The method has been developed in Finland by a team consisting of kindergartens teachers and psychotherapists. It is simple, child-friendly, easy to learn and fun to use. A perfect method for teachers, therapists, but also for parents to use at home. The author of the book, Dr. Ben Furman, is an internationally renowned psychiatrist who has been teaching Kids'Skills in many countries around the world.

          ( 0/5 )
            Leonard Judge And Others

            One Story A Day: Book 05 - May (English)


            This is the fifth book of One Story A Day series, which books are written and designed to develop a love for reading in children of  7 years and older.

            The stories are based on everyday life, funny tales of friendship
            and family, fables from around the world, and stories about nature,
            science and history.

            A CD of the stories is added to the book.

            ( 0/5 )
              Rollo May

              The Art of Counseling


              This book is one of the few books and the ever-increasing, which explores a very important area: relationship of mutual and continuous interaction between religion and mental health. 

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              • Out-of-Stock
              Roy Q. Sanders

              How to Talk to Parents About Autism


              As a parent of an autistic son, as well as the director of a pediatric neuro-developmental center, Dr. Sanders draws both on his personal experience and his clinical background to guide therapists in what to say to parents and how to say it.

              Autism’s core symptoms surface as problems with social interaction, restrictive interests and abnormal language development, and they often appear quite differently in various children. 

              ( 0/5 )
                Henry Cloud& John Townsend

                The Mom Factor


                No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your career, your self-image -- your life. The Mom Factor can help you...

                ( 0/5 )
                  Philip Yancey

                  Reaching for the Invisible God


                  Is God playing games? What can we count on him for? This relationship with a God we can’t see, hear, or touch--how does it really work? The Reaching for the Invisible God Study Guide gives you a path in your personal quest for answers. 

                  ( 0/5 )
                    Joanie Farley Gillispie & Jayne Gackenbach

                    Cyber Rules: What You Really Need to Know About the Internet

                    E£215.00 E£86.00

                    Cyber Rules is intended for use by clinicians, educators, and parents, as all three of these groups grapple with cyber issues. It is packed with practical advice, as well as quizzes and exercises that let the reader absorb and apply what has been learned. Readers are encouraged to solve the cyber problems presented in clinical vignettes by imagining themselves as the clinician, educator, or parent who must decide whether the cyber behavior under discussion is healthy, and why...

                    ( 0/5 )
                    • On sale!
                    • -60%
                    Myles Munroe

                    Understanding The Purpose and Power Of Men


                    The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life as men, fathers, and husbands.

                    ( 0/5 )
                    • On sale!
                    Erich Fromm

                    Escape from Freedom


                    The thesis of the book is that modern man, freed from the bonds of pre-individualistic society, which simultaneously gave him security and limited him, has not gained freedom in the positive sense of the realisation of his individual self.

                    Freedom, though it has brought him his independence and rationality, has isolated him, and made him anxious and powerless.

                    This isolation is unbearable and the alternatives he is confronted with are either to escape from the burden of this freedom into new dependencies and submission, or to advance to the full realisation of positive freedom which is based on the uniqueness and individuality of man.

                    ( 0/5 )
                      Paul Tournier

                      The Strong and The Weak


                      In this book Dr. Paul Tournier nor gives a narrative account of clinical case histories the show the root cause of anxiety. These anxieties lie in misunderstanding of the true nature of our strengths and weaknesses. The book is not written simply for those who struggle with anxieties or weaknesses but also for those who have strengths. By offering confirmation in a dog eat dog world filled with..

                      ( 0/5 )
                      • Out-of-Stock
                      Rollo May

                      Man's Search for Himself


                      Man's Search for Himself by Rollo May is a captivating and introspective guide that is a perfect fit for readers seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world, particularly those grappling with anxiety, depression, and feelings of emptiness who are looking for a nuanced and insightful exploration of the human condition.

                      ( 0/5 )
                        Dietrich Bonhoeffer

                        Life Together and Prayer in the Bible


                        Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the most influential Christian martyrs in history, bequeathed to humanity a legacy of theological creativity and spirituality that continues to intrigue people from a variety of backgrounds. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, a sixteen volume series, offers a fresh, critical translation of Bonhoeffer's writings, with introductions, annotations, and interpretations.

                        The stimulus for the writing of Life Together was the closing of the preacher's seminary at Finkenwalde. The treatise contains Bonhoeffer's thoughts about the nature of Christian community based on the common life that he and his seminarians experienced at the seminary and in the "Brother's House" there. Bonhoeffer completed the writing of Life Together in 1938.

                        ( 0/5 )
                          Michelle G. Craske

                          Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy


                          In this book, the author presents and explores this approach, its theory, history, the therapy process, primary change mechanisms, empirical basis, and future developments. This essential primer to cognitive–behavioral therapy, amply illustrated with case examples featuring diverse clients, is perfect for graduate students studying theories of therapy and counseling as well as for seasoned practitioners interested in understanding this approach.

                          ( 0/5 )
                            Ian Stewart & Van Joines

                            TA Today : A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis


                            Description (from the book's back cover, first edition): TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS (TA) is a model for understanding human personality, relationships and communication. It was first developed by the late Eric Berne, MD. TA sprang to worldwide fame in the 1960s and '70s through the publication of best-selling books like Games People Play, I'm OK - You're OK and Born To Win...

                            ( 0/5 )
                              Paul Tournier

                              The Gift of Feeling


                              The Western civilization is masculine and dominated by masculine values: cold objectivity, reason, power, efficiency and competition. This means the suppression of other values in the sphere of irrationality and subjectivity: sentiments, emotions, personal relationships...

                              ( 0/5 )
                                Daniel A. Hughes

                                8 Keys to Building Your Best Relationships


                                “Daniel Hughes has done more here than translate the science of attachment theory to the general reader. He offers readable, thoughtful, practical tools capable of transforming relationships. 8 Steps to Building Your Best Relationships has the power to change your life.” — Terry Real, founder of the Relational Life Institute (RLI) and author of The New Rules of Marriage

                                ( 0/5 )
                                  Steven Gerali

                                  Teenage Guys: Exploring Issues Adolescent Guys Face and Strategies to Help Them


                                  Gerali consistently gives practical advice and suggestions on how to more effectively minister to adolescent guys. The beauty of this book is in the way Gerali's longtime involvement in youth ministry infects every element of the book....This book is an invaluable tool and should find its way onto the bookshelf of anyone involved in ministry to adolescents. (YouthWorker Journal)

                                  ( 0/5 )
                                  • On sale!
                                  Kay Warren

                                  Choose Joy: Because Happiness isn't Enough


                                  Where does joy fit into those moments?

                                  In Choose Joy, acclaimed author and Christian leader Kay Warren shares the path to experiencing soul-satisfying joy no matter what you're going through. Joy is deeper than happiness, lasts longer than excitement, and is more satisfying than pleasure and thrills. Joy is richer. Fuller. And it's far more accessible than you've thought.

                                  ( 0/5 )
                                    Nancy N. Rue

                                    The Values & Virtues Book


                                    You might not believe it, but values and virtues are important to children these days. They don’t claim to totally understand what they are, but they’d like to know more about them. Values and virtues can be rather abstract concepts to define; yet at a time when children are starting to develop their own independence and ideals, The Values & Virtues Book can be an excellent and useful resource. 

                                    ( 0/5 )
                                    • On sale!
                                    Nancy N. Rue

                                    The Creativity Book


                                    To be a creative person, you don’t have to be a musician, an artist, or even a writer, because everyone has a creative niche !  Author Nancy Rue has written The Creativity Book exactly for that reason to help girls 9 to 12 discover their creative self no matter what it is. Bright, modern, and fun, The Creativity Book is loaded with activities that teens will love.

                                    ( 0/5 )
                                      Nancy N. Rue

                                      The It's MY Life Book


                                      Somewhere between the ages of 9 and 12, things can get a little uncomfortable, particularly for young girls. Suddenly things that used to seem cool to do with Mom or Dad don't seem so cool anymore. As the urges for self-identity and independence from parents begin to develop, potential problems can easily arise. The It's MY Life Book is designed to ..................................................

                                      ( 0/5 )
                                      • On sale!
                                      Susie Shellenberger

                                      Dear Dairy.. a Girl's Book of Devotions


                                      Dear Diary is a hip new devotional that addresses many of the issues facing young girls today. By providing biblically based solutions for the issues at a time when straight answers and solutions to real-life challenges aren’t always so clear-cut, the young girls find a real guide for their life in this book.

                                      'Excellent for Homeschool Use'

                                      ( 0/5 )
                                      • On sale!
                                      • Out-of-Stock
                                      Nancy N. Rue

                                      The Blurry Rules Book


                                      The Blurry Rules Book is all about ethics. Explain THAT to an 8- to 12-year-old girl! Author, Nancy Rue, approaches the subject by talking about those gray areas and hard-to-answer questions that aren’t so clearly addressed in the Ten Commandments. Children clearly understand "Thou shalt not kill", but what about "thou shalt not hate the guts of the girl who deliberately snubs you? 

                                      ( 0/5 )
                                      • Out-of-Stock