
Carl Rogers

A Way of Being


Carl Rogers was a stubborn warrior when he entered many battles - battles in the field of treatment of income with scientific medicine and psychiatry, who tried to prevent psychologists from treating patients..

( 0/5 )
    Ben Forman

    Kids'Skills in Action: A Solution-focused method for coaching children to overcome difficulties


    Kids'Skills is a revolutionary solution-focused method for helping children overcome all types of emotional and behavioral difficulties. The method has been developed in Finland by a team consisting of kindergartens teachers and psychotherapists. It is simple, child-friendly, easy to learn and fun to use. A perfect method for teachers, therapists, but also for parents to use at home. The author of the book, Dr. Ben Furman, is an internationally renowned psychiatrist who has been teaching Kids'Skills in many countries around the world.

    ( 0/5 )
      Ben Forman

      Kids'Skills in Action: A Solution-focused method for coaching children to overcome difficulties


      Kids'Skills is a revolutionary solution-focused method for helping children overcome all types of emotional and behavioral difficulties. The method has been developed in Finland by a team consisting of kindergartens teachers and psychotherapists. It is simple, child-friendly, easy to learn and fun to use. A perfect method for teachers, therapists, but also for parents to use at home. The author of the book, Dr. Ben Furman, is an internationally renowned psychiatrist who has been teaching Kids'Skills in many countries around the world.

      ( 0/5 )
        Nancy N. Rue

        The Buddy Book


        As girls grow up, they find out how meaningful -- and difficult -- relationships are. The Buddy Book offers interesting facts about why relationships are significant, what makes a good one, and how lousy your life can be if they're crummy. But more importantly, learning to allow God to be the Counselor of them all can make them easier---even during the rough stages!

        ( 0/5 )
        • On sale!
        Farag ElAntare

        Music's Critics and Taste

        E£85.00 E£34.00

        The time has finally come for us to join the Arab Library as a very important reference in music criticism as a science and not as an essay practice

        ( 0/5 )
        • On sale!
        • -60%
        Martha Finley

        Violet's Hidden Doubts


        Originally published more than 125 years ago in the Elsie Dinsmore series, these newly-updated stories introduce another young girl whose strong faith is a powerful example for today's girls---Violet Travilla, the daughter of Elsie Dinsmore. Violet is a fourteen-year-old Christian girl growing up in the late 1800s. Today's readers will find it easy to identify with Violet's growing faith and struggle toward maturity. Book one begins in 1877, when creative, independent fourteen-year-old Violet learns that growing up brings new problems, feelings, and questions. As the entire Travilla family faces a tragic loss, Violet discovers that true faith defeats even hidden doubts.

        ( 0/5 )
        • On sale!
        Martha Finley

        Violet's Bold Mission


        Violet Travilla is about to take on a challenge unlike anything she has ever done before. Violet knows that her dream will not be easy to achieve, but still she is little prepared for the complications that await her. Who will come to her aid as she confronts the unknown forces that are determined to end her mission? What must she do to win the hearts of the people she wants to serve? ...

        ( 0/5 )
          Martha Finley

          Violet's Amazing Summer


          What will this journey add to her life? Violet is courages and calm, likes the adventure and is fearful, she is showing the reader her special character.

          She is a sample for young girls in this time.

          ( 0/5 )
          • On sale!