Liza Van der Linde

Sensorial Activities


This book is the second part of a series of activity books to encourage the sensorial development of the young child.The purpose and aim of Sensorial work is for the child to acquire clear, conscious, information and to be able to then make classifications in his environment. Montessori believed that ...............

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    AlSaeid Elqmmahei



    The main character in the story is Mido.The story introduces his family and shows where he is living.

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      Liza Van der Linde

      Ziko and Idea's (1) - English


      This book is designed for children between 5 - 7 years. The aim of the book is to stimulate the child in his development, to encourage him in his skills and abilities and to enable him to use the expressions he learned at home or in other environments.

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        Maria Montessori

        To Educate the Human Potential


        This book is intended to help teachers and parents to envisage the needs of the child after the age of six. Every average by and girl of twelve years who has been educated till then in a Montessori School knows at least as much as the students who finish High School. And the surprising thing is that the child reaches this level easily.....

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          Liza Van der Linde

          Mido in the World of Numbers 5 (Arabic)


          As understanding is based on experiencing, these book give your child the opportunity to 'experience' the numbers and to experience 'how' tables are built. It all aims to strongthen the mind of your child and to strongthen the abstract concepts. By using these books of the MIDO series your child builds a strong fundament for math and science, which he is going to be learning the following years.

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            AlSaeid Elqmmahei

            Happy Mido


            One day Mido goes to the Circe with his cousin Kuku. Kuku is amazed and happy.  It is a special day!  What is happening? Is Mido really happy? Or............ 

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              AlSaeid Elqmmahei

              Mido, a smart Boy


              Mido never feels bored. He always thinks about something he can do. He likes playing and working, he likes inventing something new. Does he do this alone?

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                AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                Mido reads a Magazine


                Mido reads his weekly magazine. He likes it very much. Always there are funny stories in this magazine. As soon as the magazine comes, he opens it and looks for his favorite story.

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                  AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                  Mishu's own Field


                  Mishu and Mido like being in the field with father. It is fun to be outside in the fresh air. It is very interesting to see what father is growing. Many vegetables are in his field. Mishu and Mido want to help father. They also would like to have their own field.  But how?


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                    AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                    Mido and Lulu


                    The daily events of the Circus are interesting for Mido. They keep him busy and he wants to know everything about what is happening.

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                      AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                      Bunduq the Horse


                      In this last book of the series ‘I can  read’, it is holiday time. Every day Mishu and Mido can choose what they want to play. No homework! Great times! They like playing with silsal, but Mishu is not thinking well and...........

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                        AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                        The Smart Monkey


                        A little monkey did not listen to his mother and unfortunately he lost his way! What to do? Does he find a solution? Is he able to think? 

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                          AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                          Mido in the Garden of Uncle Hamdan


                          Mido and his friend Husam are playing in the garden of Uncle Hamdan. It is fun to have such a space to run and jump and climb. Is it really fun? Mido and Hamdan find a little bird under a tree....what happened?

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                            AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                            The Thrilling Game


                            Two teams are playing a game. The team of Mido, wearing the blue shirt and the team of the son of Lulu, wearing red shirts. Lots of children have come to the club to watch the game and encourage the teams. The teams put body parts on the statues. Which team is the fastest? Which team will win?

                            • WHO LOOSES TODAY, CAN BE A WINNER TOMORROW.
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                              AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                              Mido and his Friend Amgad


                              The Circus keeps Mido and his friend busy. Every day new adventures! It is fun to be at the circus. Mido and Amgad are friends, but they are not the same in the way they deal with everything. What is Mido facing? How does Amgad deal with it?

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                                AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                                Mido and the Cat Susu


                                Mido loves animals. When he sees a cat in need of help, he talks to his mother. Can he care for the cat in the house? Isn't that strange? What is the answer of his mother?

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