Liza Van der Linde

Trip with a pencil - Students 4


This program aims to stimulate cognition, focus and motor development of a young child. The following progress will be achieved in the child's development while using the program: - Enhancing hand skills to be able to grasp the pencil well. - Get a good understanding of directing the pencil movement to draw the shape or write the letters. - Find out the difference between left and right. The ability to use only the muscles of the hand (not the entire arm) while typing. The ability to sit on a bench for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour.

( 0/5 )
    Maria Montessori

    The Discovery of the Child


    Maria Montessori went beyond the conventions of the day to seek a new way of knowing and loving a child. In THE DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD, she describes the nature of the child and her method of working more fully with the child's urge to learn. With 16 pages of photographs.

    ( 0/5 )
      Liza Van der Linde

      Mido in the World of Numbers 3 (Arabic)


      The Mido series is designed to help your child develop effective learning styles, by helping them to draw on their own experience and to relate this to their book learning. It is a well known fact that the development of the thinking of a child starts with doing or, 'experiencing the world around them', which results in them 'having an active mind ful of conceps' of things and situations. Their active involvement gives them a store of information in their minds that can then be reproduced.

      ( 0/5 )
        Liza Van der Linde

        Mido in the World of Letters - My Friends


        The 4rth student book of level 2.  The child continues reading and writing  new words. A focus on the kasra and repetition of all former learned tashkil are included. Many special visual and auditory exercises, games and more are included to make reading fun for the child! 

        ( 0/5 )
          Liza Van der Linde

          Ziko and Weaving


          A craft for children of 4,5 years and older. Learning weaving, while doing crafts is a simple activity, which each child will enjoy.

          Content: 12 cards with nice drawings, a needle and paper stripes.

          ( 0/5 )
            Liza Van der Linde

            Mido in the World of Letters -The House


            This is the first book of  level 1 of the program Mido in the World of Letters. The child is learning to write 5 words and 5 letters and to read these words. The child is developing all skills needed to being able to be a good reader at the end of the program. 

            ( 0/5 )
              Liza Van der Linde

              Trip with a pencil - Teacher's Guide - 3


              This third book "Crazy Letters" focuses on the basic skills, which need to be mastered before the children can start writing words on their own. Following the holistic approach, children also will increase language and creativity if the program is used correctly.

              ( 0/5 )
                AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                Mishu and Antar


                The first day in school is a special day. Mishu went even to school by bike and alone….! No, not really alone…who went with him?


                ( 0/5 )
                  Liza Van der Linde

                  So I learn - Teacher's Guide


                  The program So I learn is successfully accepted in many Centers for Special Needs children.

                  Since this program is set up especially for children who are struggling with numbers, this guide is an eyeopener for the teacher to change the way of explaining and guiding the child in order to help him to being able to know numbers, to count, to add and subtract numbers.

                  ( 0/5 )
                    Liza Van der Linde

                    Mido in the World of Letters - Circus


                    Designed "Mido in the world of letters" program, to help the child to learn the Arabic language skills, learn letters and words. In this book, "the circus." through which the child also will learn a lot of daily living skills, which help him to integrate into the small society of his family at home, and in society as a whole.

                    ( 0/5 )
                      Liza Van der Linde

                      Mido in the World of Numbers 4 (English)


                      As understanding is based on experiencing, these book give your child the opportunity to 'experience' the numbers and to experience 'how' tables are built. It all aims to strongthen the mind of your child and to strongthen the abstract concepts. By using these books of the MIDO series your child builds a strong fundament for math and science, which he is going to be learning the following years.

                      ( 0/5 )
                        AlSaeid Elqmmahei

                        Mido in the Market


                        The adventures of Mido go on. In this story he is with his mother n de market. Suddenly something passes by him. He looks up.... what is this? 

                        ( 0/5 )
                          Liza Van der Linde

                          Mido in the World of Numbers 4 (Arabic)


                          As understanding is based on experiencing, these book give your child the opportunity to 'experience' the numbers and to experience 'how' tables are built. It all aims to strongthen the mind of your child and to strongthen the abstract concepts. By using these books of the MIDO series your child builds a strong fundament for math and science, which he is going to be learning the following years.

                          ( 0/5 )
                            Committee of the child at Dar ElKalema

                            Ziko Tessalina (2)


                            This is the second book in the series of Ziko Tessalina. Puzzles, playing with words, coloring pictures, looking for the differences between pictures and much more is available in this booklet ( in Arabic).

                            Suitable for children of 8 years and older.

                            ( 0/5 )
                              Committee of the child at Dar ElKalema

                              Ziko and Numbers 4


                              A book for young children to color pictures according to the requested numbers. Each number has its own color, in the end the picture will be nice and beautiful.

                              While coloring, the child practice recognizing the numbers and develops his writing skills!

                              ( 0/5 )
                                Liza Van der Linde

                                Mido in the World of Numbers 5 (English)


                                As understanding is based on experiencing, these book give your child the opportunity to 'experience' the numbers and to experience 'how' tables are built. It all aims to strongthen the mind of your child and to strongthen the abstract concepts. By using these books of the MIDO series your child builds a strong fundament for math and science, which he is going to be learning the following years.

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